Establishment of Religion - First Amendment

WEB LESSON The First Amendment has two clauses related to religion, specifically preventing the establishment of religion and the ability to freely exercise religious beliefs. The goal of this lesson is for students to gain a deeper understanding of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. They will do this by understanding the history of the clause, as well as the relevant Supreme Court cases that will help students interpret how this clause has been applied. Students will also use text of the U.S. Constitution to evaluate current issues and cases that involve the Establishment Clause MS-HS

Religious Rights in Conflict

WEB LESSON This Constitutional Rights Foundation lesson explores the problems that occur when the two part of the First Amendment religion clauses conflict. Students perform a moot court activity.

Freedom of Religion: The First Amendment

WEB LESSON Part of the California On My Honor curriculum series,this lesson on religion is an in-depth exploration of the free exercise and establishment clauses of the first amendment. In this series of activities students explore landmark Supreme Court cases regarding freedom of religion and demonstrate their understanding of expression and exercise through application on sample cases. MS-HS

Are Bible Readings Ever Allowed in Public Schools?

WEB LESSON Go to the third lesson in the Bill of Rights in Action from the Constitutional Rights Foundation. After reviewing the three ongoing theories of the First Amendment, students apply these theories to deciding whether the study of the Bible violates the Establishment Clause. Appropriate for 9-12

What Is the Significance of the Free Exercise Clause?

WEB LESSON One of America's most cherished freedoms is the free exercise of religion. In a nation where people of many faiths live side-by-side, the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause protects individuals from government interference in the practice of their faith. The government cannot target laws at specific religious practices or place undue burdens on its citizens' worship. This lesson explores the free exercise clause and the many questions that arise from its enforcement. Appropriate for grades 8-12

The "Free Exercise of Religion"

WEB LESSON When, if ever, may the government limit freedom of religion? The Supreme Court and Congress have grappled over the years with this question. This Pluralism Project description is enhanced with suggest case studies (Select at the top of the page.) There is plenty of room for discussion around several real world issues that have been adjudicated by the Supreme Court.

Free Exercise of Religion in America

Web Resource & Lesson Activity When, if ever, may the government limit freedom of religion? The Constitutional Rights Foundation explores various examples of the Supreme Court's and Congress' efforts to grapple with this question. Learn the "legal tests" that have been constructed to balance individual rights and the public good. Students apply these tests to other cases. Appropriate for grade 7-12

James Madison and the Bill of Rights

WEB ARTICLE & LESSON The article gives the history of the writing of the Bill of Rights by James Madison. Students engage with the material through discussion and debate. Students do a close reading activity and take positions on and select the best of the various versions of the First Amendment religion clauses. Appropriate for grades 7-12

In God We Trust: Public Schools and Religious Freedom

WEB LESSON Most Americans today agree that the United States should not have an established church and are opposed to religious persecution in any form. There is still disagreement among citizens on the matter of one's freedom to exercise religious beliefs on the one hand, and our government's "wall of separation" of church and state on the other. Nowhere has this debate played out more dramatically than in the schools of America. This lesson by Peter Herndon is for high school.

First Amendment

WEB LESSON: This First Amendment Project of the National Constitution Center begins with the introduction of the First Amendment and the understanding of "Freedom of Conscience." Through educational videos developed for this plan of study, students will engage with deep and fundamental understanding of this freedom. The associated classroom materials engage students in examining primary sources that record the development of the First Amendment. In subsequent lessons, students will focus in-depth on the individual clauses of the amendment. MS - HS