Belief Systems Along the Silk Roads

WEB LESSON This activity asks students to reflect on similarities and differences among belief systems. Using excerpts of translated religious texts, students are asked to organize these quotations into broad themes. The quotations will be posted on a Silk Roads map as reminders of how cultural interchange and belief systems are represented in the ancient and contemporary world.

Tet: Let's Get Ready to Celebrate

WEB LESSON Learn about Lunar new Year in Vietnam and why it is an especially good time to review good manners. Elementary

Taking a Closer Look at Religions Around the World

WEB LESSON This Teaching Tolerance lesson offers a starting point for exploring religions and faith traditions, creating an ongoing respectful dialogue about religious tolerance. By helping students understand the roots of varying faiths, we help them to better comprehend the reasons behind divergent national and international religious beliefs. This lesson includes activities and projects that are easily expanded upon through further research and is designed to encourage in-depth study of these topics over a longer period of time. To access the lesson, the user needs to sign in to a free account.

Languages and Religions of Europe

Students are introduced to the major language and religious groups of Europe. They explore how those groups align with and/or cross country borders. Students read about dominant religions in Europe. They compare and contrast a map of religious groups in Europe to a political map of Europe and identify areas in Europe where they might expect conflict over religion MS