Belief Systems in China: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism 581 BCE - 1368 CE

WEB LESSON This teaching unit explores the three main traditional belief systems, including religions or philosophies of China: Confucianism, Daoism (Taoism), and Buddhism. It provides background on each of these systems, including how, when, where, and by whom they were developed and diffused throughout China. Using translations of primary sources, students will examine the major tenets of each belief system, their specific differences, and their importance in the historical development of China. Students will understand the significance of belief systems in helping to establish a sense of belonging and building social cohesion, focusing on China in the pre-modern era. Students will also be encouraged to reflect on the impact that their own belief systems have on their lives.

Comparative Religious Teachings

WEB LESSON The Eurasian trade routes known as the Silk Roads encompassed a diversity of cultures embracing numerous religions and worldviews from Venice, Italy to Heian, Japan. Between these two ends, belief systems that are represented are Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, and Daoism. During the height of the Silk Road trades in the 7th century, Islam, Buddhism, and Nestorian Christianity were the most important. This activity asks students to reflect on similarities and differences between belief systems. MS - HS

Global Faith

WEB LESSON In this lesson, students examine the coexistence of different religions within various countries by chronicling the evolution and nature of those religions throughout history. They then synthesize their findings by designing a creative work that captures the presence of the religions in each of the countries.


WEB LESSON Masoretes were Jewish scholars of the 6th-10th centuries AD who contributed to the establishment of a recognized text of the Hebrew Bible. In this lesson, students learn how scholars learned from records of the oral history and the interpretations of early writings. In a public school, select another set of short story events to have students tell to their group of students as is described in the lesson. The results of the exactness of information will be much the same but not seem to be teaching religion.

Rich Tapestry of Religion in the US

WEB LESSON The Rich Tapestry of Religion in the United States” features three lessons that help students assess the religious diversity of the United States, explore different religious and non-religious worldviews, and consider how freedom of religion relates to their own lives and the lives of others Elementary

Taking a Closer Look at Religions Around the World

WEB LESSON This lesson offers a starting point for exploring religions and faith traditions, creating an ongoing respectful dialogue about religious tolerance. By helping students understand the roots of varying faiths, we help them to better comprehend the reasons behind divergent national and international religious beliefs. This lesson includes activities and projects that are easily expanded upon through further research. MS - HS

Understanding Other Religious Beliefs

WEB LESSON This lesson helps students learn more about different religions and discuss the importance of religion freedom. Elementary