Fables and Trickster Tales Around the World

WEB LESSON This National Endowment for the Humanities lesson focuses on the use of animal stories and fables in various parts of the world to teach about morality and ethics. Elementary

Philosophy and Children's Literature

WEB LESSONS These lesson plans suggest questions to consider when reading the stories listed here. The lists of possible discussion questions are meant to provide some ideas for teachers preparing to use these books to help generate classroom philosophical conversations, but should not replace asking the students what questions the stories raise for them and ensuring that the discussions emerge from the students' questions. K-5

10 Philosophy Board and Card Games

WEB RESOURCE The Edudingo website is designed to help parents, teachers, and educators leverage the educational potential of tabletop games, board games, card games, dice games, indoor/outdoor games… Board games can increase the student's willingness to learn philosophy. The website breaks the kinds of games into segments that feature different types of philosophical questions. The site developer says that "games might have helped me consider Philosophy differently when I was in High School."

Questions: Philosophy for Young People

WEB ACTIVITY Select 3-4 of the stories on a wide range of topics that are written by student authors. Have your class students select the story they want to read and discuss. After reading is complete, set up a small group discussion opportunity on the story they read.