Show Full Queries ID User Host Database Command Time Status SQL query
Kill 13260582 threeruser1 localhost mysql Sleep 0 --- ---
Kill 13260583 threeruser1 localhost mysql Sleep 0 --- ---
Kill 13260584 threeruser1 localhost mysql Sleep 0 --- ---
Kill 13260587 threeruser1 localhost None Sleep 0 --- ---
Kill 13260588 threeruser1 localhost None Query 0 Writing to net SHOW PLUGINS
Kill 13260589 threeruser1 localhost None Query 0 Writing to net SHOW COLLATION
Kill 13260590 threeruser1 localhost None Sleep 0 --- ---
Kill 13260591 threeruser1 localhost None Query 0 Writing to net SHOW COLLATION
Kill 13260592 threeruser1 localhost mysql Query 0 --- SHOW PROCESSLIST
Kill 13260593 threeruser1 localhost None Query 0 Writing to net SHOW COLLATION