Teachers Corner



Congressional Hearing Activity Requirement

An abbreviated We the People Hearing on 4 or 5 lessons from the grade appropriate student text you received as part of the s institute in the past have overwhelming indicated that this activity was one of the high points of their summer institute is a requirement of the One Nation Many Faiths Project. Teachers who have attended theool year.


Here are the steps:
1.  Set a date for implementing the We the People materials and Hearing and send it to Peg

2.  Review one of the following video segments to get an idea of what a Simulated Congressional Hearing should look like.

High School Simulated Congressional Hearing
Simulation 1 Simulation 2

Middle School Simulated Congressional Hearing

Elementary Simulated Congressional Hearing

3.  Complete the steps in the Guidelines for Conducting a Simulated Congressional Hearing that may be found in your institute binder or by clicking on the link below:

Guidelines for Conducting a Simulated Congressional Hearing

4.  Distribute the question sheets for the appropriate grade level to your class. These questions are attached below and are also in your institute binder.

     High School Questions for Lessons 2, 3, 27, 28, and 29

     Middle School Questions for Lessons 2, 3, 23, and 24

     Elementary School Questions for Lessons 2, 4, 17, and 18

The Score Sheet attached below will assist teachers in evaluating student responses:

Congressional Hearing Group Score Sheet

5.  At the close of the hearing, collect the note cards of the students, pictures and other artifacts of your event. Ask students to complete a Reflection Sheet about the hearing process. One is included here , but you may use any format that suits your needs as a teacher.

6.  Submit the following:
     •  Selection of student note cards representing varying levels of achievement
     •  Pictures and artifacts from the event
     •  Student reflection sheets

Send these to:

Peg Hill


5500 University Pkwy.

San Bernardino, CA 92407

Submit these by April 1 to receive your end-of-project stipend before the end of the school year. The final date to submit is May 1.



The California Three Rs Project co-sponsored by Constitutional Rights Foundation,
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, and the Religious Freedom Education Project at Newseum

DISCLAIMER: This site is for educational purposes only. Constitutional Rights Foundation and the California Three Rs Project are not legal advocacy organizations and do not
provide legal advice or representation. If you have a particular legal question, CRF encourages you to talk to an attorney or advocacy organization that specializes in religious liberty issues.

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