
CA3Rs Bulletin, April 2014

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California’s Diversity: Past and Present

Lessons for the Fair Education Act of 2011

Lesson 1: Diversity in California
Students examine the history of diversity in California. First, students read and discuss an introduction to the major groups that make up California’s cultural diversity. They then examine case studies of instances when California’s public policy was changed to accommodate an ever more diverse society. Finally, they role-play a state legislative committee that will make recommendations about the need for new civil-rights law.

Lesson 2: Discrimination and Civil Rights in California
In this lesson, students examine the history of discrimination in the state of California. Students read about and discuss social changes in California that have led to the development of civil rights in the state and nation. Then in a jigsaw activity, they examine four case studies of individual Californians who contributed to those social changes. Finally, students debrief the activity with an emphasis on understanding the meaning of civil rights.


The California Three Rs Project co-sponsored by Constitutional Rights Foundation,
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, and the Religious Freedom Education Project at Newseum

DISCLAIMER: This site is for educational purposes only. Constitutional Rights Foundation and the California Three Rs Project are not legal advocacy organizations and do not
provide legal advice or representation. If you have a particular legal question, CRF encourages you to talk to an attorney or advocacy organization that specializes in religious liberty issues.

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